Playdough for the First Time!

Playdough…always one of my favourite go to activities when we have nothing else to do and need something quick! We received a lot of little containers of already made Playdough, in bright colours, for Christmas. So I thought now was a good time to introduce my just turned 1 year old to Playdough!

He LOVED it! His expression was priceless and the smiles kept coming. I did have to keep an intense eye on him to prevent him from trying to eat/taste/bite it, but it was so worth it! I sat behind him and gave him some small pieces to play with, explore, stretch, squish and so on. I even rolled him a few balls and long “worms” for him to experiment with.

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My 3yo always enjoys Playdough, so they both played alongside each other and my 1yo thought it was awesome to do something he has seen his older brother do before and previously wasn’t allowed to. They had a great time, and it’s always nice to see them playing together. They played for about 30 minutes before my 1yo was tired and needed a nap.


I am not sure how young most people let their children play with Playdough, but in our house at the age of 1 we deem old enough and just make sure they don’t eat it. How old did any of you introduce or plan to introduce Playdough? I am curious as to the responses  other children have to it for the first time.


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